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Topic:  Never Forget

Topic:  Never Forget
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  Message Not Read  Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 6:14:46 AM 
May 4,1970
Kent State

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 8:40:37 AM 
I have been amazed by the errors in many of the recent articles concerning the Kent tragedy.

The Akron Beacon Journal, which won a Pulitzer for its coverage in 1970, ran a piece on Friday that included this gem: "National Guardsmen shot six students on the Ohio State University campus on May 1." Nope. Had six students been shot by the Guard on the OSU campus, Kent State never would have happened. 1.) Even Gov. Rhodes would have realized the danger of sending Guardsmen to a university campus, and 2.) they certainly would not have been given live ammunition. There had been a riot near OSU prior to Kent State, and a shotgun was discharged by someone in the crowd, with pellets hitting some bystanders. But the Guard was not there and no one targeted and shot students. I pointed out this error to the ABJ editor and he accused me of splitting hairs. "We didn't intend to get into the details of these shootings, but rather the tenor of the times." Okay, yeah, and JFK was killed in Cincinnati.

Yesterday's Cleveland.com news site had a series of articles about some of the victims and other innocent bystanders on campus on May 4. Unfortunately, the piece on Allison Krause, one of the four students killed, MISSPELLED HER NAME. Most of the articles were riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I was reminded of my news reporting class in Lasher Hall, when Byron Scott, in noting that a student's homework assignment was riddled with typos, said, "For the sake of my profession, please change your major."

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Member Since: 4/28/2006
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 10:14:04 AM 
SBH wrote:
I have been amazed by the errors in many of the recent articles concerning the Kent tragedy.

The Akron Beacon Journal, which won a Pulitzer for its coverage in 1970, ran a piece on Friday that included this gem: "National Guardsmen shot six students on the Ohio State University campus on May 1." Nope. Had six students been shot by the Guard on the OSU campus, Kent State never would have happened. 1.) Even Gov. Rhodes would have realized the danger of sending Guardsmen to a university campus, and 2.) they certainly would not have been given live ammunition. There had been a riot near OSU prior to Kent State, and a shotgun was discharged by someone in the crowd, with pellets hitting some bystanders. But the Guard was not there and no one targeted and shot students. I pointed out this error to the ABJ editor and he accused me of splitting hairs. "We didn't intend to get into the details of these shootings, but rather the tenor of the times." Okay, yeah, and JFK was killed in Cincinnati.

Yesterday's Cleveland.com news site had a series of articles about some of the victims and other innocent bystanders on campus on May 4. Unfortunately, the piece on Allison Krause, one of the four students killed, MISSPELLED HER NAME. Most of the articles were riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I was reminded of my news reporting class in Lasher Hall, when Byron Scott, in noting that a student's homework assignment was riddled with typos, said, "For the sake of my profession, please change your major."

The Post wasn't much better.

They did an article about what happened at O.U., after Kent.

They had comments from one of the students,who was with The Post at the time.

He talked about how,after Kent,there were National Guardsmen uptown,standing in every parking space,with loaded weapons.

Thing is,that was an urban legend,that wasn't correct.

I got to O.U. in the fall of 1971.
Most of the kids in my dorm were there the year before.
Obviously,what happened got talked about a lot.

They said that,after Kent,the students were told of the National Guard being sent to Athens.
But it was made clear to the students that Guardsmen's weapons wouldn't be loaded.

Like SBH posted,after KSU,the Gov. knew better then to send in Guardsmen with loaded weapons.

This was also something that was discussed the ROTC instructors.

At the time,the National Guard was using both M-1 and M-14 rifles.

The M-14 had an external magazine.
Also had a different barrel/sight.

If you look at the archived pictures of the Guardsmen with M-14's, its easy to tell they weren't loaded.

Same thing,from the pictures showing the Guardsmen that were carrying M-1's,they either weren't loaded,or they had no idea how to handle a loaded rifle.

Not blaming The Post reporter for the inaccuracies in the initial article.She wrote what the person said.

But, I wrote to her and explained the situation.
Even sent her photo's to prove the point.

She said she would investigate it.
Never heard back,or saw a follow up article in The Post.

So I do blame her for not following up.

Last Edited: 5/4/2020 10:28:58 AM by rpbobcat

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Ted Thompson

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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 10:28:36 AM 

Alan asked me to post this

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 11:42:31 AM 
Thanks Ted. This article was written by my dad in May of 2010. In 1970 i was 14 and in 9th grade at Goodyear Junior HIgh in Akron. Just two springs before following the assination of Martin Luther King Jr. we had a riot at our school the last period of the day. Students stormed into our classroom yelling "are you with us or against us." It was pretty terrifying for a 12 year old.

With little to no communication between Ravenna where my dad was and our home in Akron just 9 miles from Kent, it was a long afternoon and evening. The sound of my dad's car coming up our short gravel driveway that night after dark was one of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard.
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Member Since: 4/28/2006
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 12:08:11 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
Thanks Ted. This article was written by my dad in May of 2010. In 1970 i was 14 and in 9th grade at Goodyear Junior HIgh in Akron. Just two springs before following the assination of Martin Luther King Jr. we had a riot at our school the last period of the day. Students stormed into our classroom yelling "are you with us or against us." It was pretty terrifying for a 12 year old.

With little to no communication between Ravenna where my dad was and our home in Akron just 9 miles from Kent, it was a long afternoon and evening. The sound of my dad's car coming up our short gravel driveway that night after dark was one of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard.

A lot of the kids in my dorm had friends or relatives who went to Kent.

Unlike today,they said,that in many cases,it took a day or two,before they heard what happened to them.

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Member Since: 3/12/2005
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 12:13:35 PM 
Isn't it true that they built a gym on or near where the murders happened and then named it after Rhodes? Wouldn't that be tantamount to taking a pi55 on the graves of his victims?
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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 12:29:39 PM 
greencat wrote:
Isn't it true that they built a gym on or near where the murders happened and then named it after Rhodes? Wouldn't that be tantamount to taking a pi55 on the graves of his victims?

Yes and no. The Rhodes gym (JAR) is at Akron.


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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 2:24:57 PM 
SBH wrote:
I have been amazed by the errors in many of the recent articles concerning the Kent tragedy.

The Akron Beacon Journal, which won a Pulitzer for its coverage in 1970, ran a piece on Friday that included this gem: "National Guardsmen shot six students on the Ohio State University campus on May 1." Nope. Had six students been shot by the Guard on the OSU campus, Kent State never would have happened. 1.) Even Gov. Rhodes would have realized the danger of sending Guardsmen to a university campus, and 2.) they certainly would not have been given live ammunition. There had been a riot near OSU prior to Kent State, and a shotgun was discharged by someone in the crowd, with pellets hitting some bystanders. But the Guard was not there and no one targeted and shot students. I pointed out this error to the ABJ editor and he accused me of splitting hairs. "We didn't intend to get into the details of these shootings, but rather the tenor of the times." Okay, yeah, and JFK was killed in Cincinnati.

Yesterday's Cleveland.com news site had a series of articles about some of the victims and other innocent bystanders on campus on May 4. Unfortunately, the piece on Allison Krause, one of the four students killed, MISSPELLED HER NAME. Most of the articles were riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I was reminded of my news reporting class in Lasher Hall, when Byron Scott, in noting that a student's homework assignment was riddled with typos, said, "For the sake of my profession, please change your major."

I agree, SBH, this is pathetic, as is rpbobcat's story about his interaction with The Post. I'm never surprised these days about the lack of current understanding of the Late Rebellion, but when you have an event like this that is in the living memory of many folks there's even less excuse for this kind of sloppiness. I'm used to things like Grant fought for the Confederacy, or Robert E. Lee didn't own any slaves and was really an abolitionist, or the South started to war to protest some tariff policy. But, I'm not quite ready for JFK was killed in Cincinnati, or students were killed at OSU before KSU. [Yes, I know I once made a mistake about Alden and Marshall. I got my timeframe mixed up. I owned up to my mistake. We all are human.]

Last Edited: 5/4/2020 2:26:07 PM by OhioCatFan

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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,162

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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 7:56:50 PM 
SBH wrote:
I have been amazed by the errors in many of the recent articles concerning the Kent tragedy.

The Akron Beacon Journal, which won a Pulitzer for its coverage in 1970, ran a piece on Friday that included this gem: "National Guardsmen shot six students on the Ohio State University campus on May 1." Nope. Had six students been shot by the Guard on the OSU campus, Kent State never would have happened. 1.) Even Gov. Rhodes would have realized the danger of sending Guardsmen to a university campus, and 2.) they certainly would not have been given live ammunition. There had been a riot near OSU prior to Kent State, and a shotgun was discharged by someone in the crowd, with pellets hitting some bystanders. But the Guard was not there and no one targeted and shot students. I pointed out this error to the ABJ editor and he accused me of splitting hairs. "We didn't intend to get into the details of these shootings, but rather the tenor of the times." Okay, yeah, and JFK was killed in Cincinnati.

Yesterday's Cleveland.com news site had a series of articles about some of the victims and other innocent bystanders on campus on May 4. Unfortunately, the piece on Allison Krause, one of the four students killed, MISSPELLED HER NAME. Most of the articles were riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I was reminded of my news reporting class in Lasher Hall, when Byron Scott, in noting that a student's homework assignment was riddled with typos, said, "For the sake of my profession, please change your major."

WOW!!! Just absolutely WOW
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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 8:00:47 PM 
greencat wrote:
Isn't it true that they built a gym on or near where the murders happened and then named it after Rhodes? Wouldn't that be tantamount to taking a pi55 on the graves of his victims?

The place where the students were shot was finally memorialized, there is a red center gym where the practice football fields were at the time. But the site of the victims shot is still the same parking lot.
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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,162

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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/4/2020 8:04:14 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
Thanks Ted. This article was written by my dad in May of 2010. In 1970 i was 14 and in 9th grade at Goodyear Junior HIgh in Akron. Just two springs before following the assination of Martin Luther King Jr. we had a riot at our school the last period of the day. Students stormed into our classroom yelling "are you with us or against us." It was pretty terrifying for a 12 year old.

With little to no communication between Ravenna where my dad was and our home in Akron just 9 miles from Kent, it was a long afternoon and evening. The sound of my dad's car coming up our short gravel driveway that night after dark was one of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard.

Ted, thanks for posting, Alan, thanks for sharing.
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General User

Member Since: 7/8/2010
Location: At least six feet away from anybody else
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  Message Not Read  RE: Never Forget
   Posted: 5/5/2020 12:48:15 PM 
SBH wrote:
I have been amazed by the errors in many of the recent articles concerning the Kent tragedy.

The Akron Beacon Journal, which won a Pulitzer for its coverage in 1970, ran a piece on Friday that included this gem: "National Guardsmen shot six students on the Ohio State University campus on May 1." Nope. Had six students been shot by the Guard on the OSU campus, Kent State never would have happened. 1.) Even Gov. Rhodes would have realized the danger of sending Guardsmen to a university campus, and 2.) they certainly would not have been given live ammunition. There had been a riot near OSU prior to Kent State, and a shotgun was discharged by someone in the crowd, with pellets hitting some bystanders. But the Guard was not there and no one targeted and shot students. I pointed out this error to the ABJ editor and he accused me of splitting hairs. "We didn't intend to get into the details of these shootings, but rather the tenor of the times." Okay, yeah, and JFK was killed in Cincinnati.

Yesterday's Cleveland.com news site had a series of articles about some of the victims and other innocent bystanders on campus on May 4. Unfortunately, the piece on Allison Krause, one of the four students killed, MISSPELLED HER NAME. Most of the articles were riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I was reminded of my news reporting class in Lasher Hall, when Byron Scott, in noting that a student's homework assignment was riddled with typos, said, "For the sake of my profession, please change your major."

Gatehouse, which owns both the ABJ and the Dispatch, is a pretty slipshod outfit. A couple weeks ago they ran a picture of protesters pressing their faces against the windows on the Statehouse door. A few days later they ran an article about the "story behind the story" of the picture. Instead of delving into how the protest began and who organized it, the story was merely an interview of the photographer, who explained how he took the picture (framing, etc.). Pure pablum.

We will get by.
We will get by.
We will get by.
We will survive.

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