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Topic:  New studies on treatments show improvements

Topic:  New studies on treatments show improvements
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  Message Not Read  New studies on treatments show improvements
   Posted: 6/25/2020 11:50:05 PM 
First, a study where they gave HCQ early, in reasonable dose, as soon as people tested positive, and they also monitored zinc levels:

Average days hospitalized was reduced from 9.2 days to 7.3 days. Patient ending up in the ICU was reduced from 6.8% to .8%, and the death rate was reduced from 3.1% to 0.5%. In total, "poor clinical outcomes", as defined by death, transfer to ICU, or hospitalization for over 10 days, was reduced from 17.6% to 3.9%. In 0.67% of patients, QTc elongation was noted, and they were removed from HCQ. No deaths were reported due to HCQ.

For severe cases, Tocilizumab, which targets IL-6 receptors to block cytokine storms, works:
Looking at severe cases, 20% died with standard care, compared to 7% who got Tocilizumab.

So does Anakinra, which blocks IL-1 receptors:
Patients included people with severe bilateral pneumonia. Negative outcomes (admission to ICU or death) occurred in 25% of cases that received Anakinra, compare to 75% of patients on standard care. Anakinra reduced both mortality and the need for mechanical ventilation without significant side effects.

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