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Topic:  Bobcats on the National news

Topic:  Bobcats on the National news
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  Message Not Read  Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 4:41:30 PM 
Nothing like a little publicity.
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The Optimist
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 6:37:39 PM 
Time change riots>whatever you'd call this

I liked the old culture better

I've seen crazier things happen.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 7:39:48 PM 
Is this about that Kent State gun chick? She can take a walk into the ocean.

Last Edited: 2/17/2020 7:40:01 PM by shabamon

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 9:13:05 PM 
shabamon wrote:
Is this about that Kent State gun chick? She can take a walk into the ocean.

Don't disagree, shabamon . . . but she got what she wanted, national attention. And now advising trump to cut funding to our university.
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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 9:59:12 PM 
For those like myself who were wondering what this is all about, here you go. Watch the video and listen to that pathetic whining you can fill in the rest.



Last Edited: 2/17/2020 10:07:59 PM by Alan Swank

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 10:13:45 PM 
I'm all for free speech, but this was a little embarrassing for OU.
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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 10:16:04 PM 
genessee wrote:
I'm all for free speech, but this was a little embarrassing for OU.

Wonder if any of those folks pictured in the video will join the groups still on probation for "hazing."

Last Edited: 2/17/2020 10:28:40 PM by Alan Swank

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 10:52:38 PM 
Being from Akron, I am quite familiar with this young lady. I am sure she gets under people's skin, but I love how liberals believe in free speech as long as it is not conservative speech. She also works for a gun store that has a shoot range in Cuyahoga Falls,
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 11:08:00 PM 
akroncat wrote:
Being from Akron, I am quite familiar with this young lady. I am sure she gets under people's skin, but I love how liberals believe in free speech as long as it is not conservative speech. She also works for a gun store that has a shoot range in Cuyahoga Falls,

Free speech was freely practiced here. No violence, and freedom to peacefull assemble and freedom of speech. No one denied Ms. Poopy Pants her voice, she just chose to leave on her own!
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/17/2020 11:11:04 PM 
She showed up unannounced, without a current safe space or free speech designation on the Green! So she violated policy out of the gate, but according to her Twitter, she only showed up to see if OHIO Students could name the 1st 3 Presidents. SURE
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 12:02:02 AM 
It's a great day to be a Bobcat. And that chant in Baker is as good as anything the O Zone ever did.

"Loyalty to a hometown or city is fleeting and interchangeable, but college is a stamp of identity."- Kyle Whelliston, One Beautiful Season.

My blog about depression and mental illness: https://bit.ly/3buGXH8

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The Optimist
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 12:04:32 AM 
Alan Swank wrote:
genessee wrote:
I'm all for free speech, but this was a little embarrassing for OU.

Wonder if any of those folks pictured in the video will join the groups still on probation for "hazing."

This is a very important point.

Here we have an incident being portrayed terribly in the national media against our beloved institution. The administration wasted an awful lot of time going after the "culture" of our school and destroying student organizations, yet it seems to me this bullying culture seen here is much worse than anything I witnesses at school just a decade ago. Perhaps destroying student organizations has only made things worse?

Very bad look for the Dean of Students Jenny Hall-Jones here. She should resign immediately. There is a strong case for alumni to file a defamation lawsuit against the school and the administration. Degrees are being devalued by this inept administration.

Last Edited: 2/18/2020 12:06:12 AM by The Optimist

I've seen crazier things happen.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 4:44:11 AM 
The Optimist wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
genessee wrote:
I'm all for free speech, but this was a little embarrassing for OU.

Wonder if any of those folks pictured in the video will join the groups still on probation for "hazing."

This is a very important point.

Here we have an incident being portrayed terribly in the national media against our beloved institution. The administration wasted an awful lot of time going after the "culture" of our school and destroying student organizations, yet it seems to me this bullying culture seen here is much worse than anything I witnesses at school just a decade ago. Perhaps destroying student organizations has only made things worse?

Very bad look for the Dean of Students Jenny Hall-Jones here. She should resign immediately. There is a strong case for alumni to file a defamation lawsuit against the school and the administration. Degrees are being devalued by this inept administration.

That is an enormous false equivalency.

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General User

Member Since: 12/29/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 6:10:12 AM 
After watching a few more videos, I'm revising my earlier comment. This wasn't "a little' embarrassing, this was a huge embarrassment. What on earth has OU become? These students were like a bunch of crazed lunatics. No character at all. Pathetic.

Also, nobody is arguing that the kids don't have free speech rights. What I'm arguing is that when they practice them they shouldn't act like imbeciles. Par for the new course at OU apparently. I would never send my kid there. I'd caution my students against it as well.
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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 7:07:49 AM 
genessee wrote:
After watching a few more videos, I'm revising my earlier comment. This wasn't "a little' embarrassing, this was a huge embarrassment. What on earth has OU become? These students were like a bunch of crazed lunatics. No character at all. Pathetic.

Also, nobody is arguing that the kids don't have free speech rights. What I'm arguing is that when they practice them they shouldn't act like imbeciles. Par for the new course at OU apparently. I would never send my kid there. I'd caution my students against it as well.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 8:05:08 AM 
genessee wrote:
After watching a few more videos, I'm revising my earlier comment. This wasn't "a little' embarrassing, this was a huge embarrassment. What on earth has OU become? These students were like a bunch of crazed lunatics. No character at all. Pathetic.

Also, nobody is arguing that the kids don't have free speech rights. What I'm arguing is that when they practice them they shouldn't act like imbeciles. Par for the new course at OU apparently. I would never send my kid there. I'd caution my students against it as well.

You honestly think the same thing would not happen at lots of other places?

Crazed lunatics? Imbeciles? These are relative terms. This chick had the goal to come to our campus and embarrass our students with her "Gotcha!" style editing. If you have any pride in this university, you should have a problem with that.

It's unreasonable anymore to expect this sort of figure to be ignored, especially by college students. So what exactly would be the appropriate response to let this thing know her act is not welcome?

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 8:31:32 AM 
The Optimist wrote:

Very bad look for the Dean of Students Jenny Hall-Jones here. She should resign immediately. There is a strong case for alumni to file a defamation lawsuit against the school and the administration. Degrees are being devalued by this inept administration.

Perfect little Catch-22: The very act of alums suing for defamation because the current admin has harmed the value of their degrees would prove the degrees had no value to begin with, thereby letting the current admin off the hook.
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Robert Fox
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 8:47:12 AM 
shabamon wrote:
So what exactly would be the appropriate response to let this thing know her act is not welcome?

Recognize it for what it was: provocative and designed to get a big reaction so they could splash it all over the media. Given that, the response should have been a big collective yawn.

Instead, the students did exactly what this young lady hoped they would do.

Ever feel like your being pulled around by your nose?
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Member Since: 4/5/2006
Location: matthews, NC
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 8:49:21 AM 
genessee wrote:
After watching a few more videos, I'm revising my earlier comment. This wasn't "a little' embarrassing, this was a huge embarrassment. What on earth has OU become? These students were like a bunch of crazed lunatics. No character at all. Pathetic.

Also, nobody is arguing that the kids don't have free speech rights. What I'm arguing is that when they practice them they shouldn't act like imbeciles. Par for the new course at OU apparently. I would never send my kid there. I'd caution my students against it as well.

sounds like a review of a trump rally.
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Andrew Ruck
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 8:59:18 AM 
This is going to being a whopper of a thread...

Just imagine for a second that those who oppose her chose to ignore her. She gets out of her van and rolls the camera only to show her standing around alone. That would be way more powerful than this embarrassing reaction.

Also, she didn't poop her pants...it's a lie with no evidence.

Andrew Ruck
B.B.A. 2003

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Alan Swank
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Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 9:21:21 AM 
From today's Post article:

Bennett arrived at OU on the same day as the first OHIO Up Close campus tours. Jackson Hughes, a junior studying strategic communications, said some tours had to be rerouted to avoid the crowd at Baker Center.


No mention at all of this in today's Dispatch.
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General User

Member Since: 11/17/2006
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 9:24:51 AM 
Alan Swank wrote:
From today's Post article:

Bennett arrived at OU on the same day as the first OHIO Up Close campus tours. Jackson Hughes, a junior studying strategic communications, said some tours had to be rerouted to avoid the crowd at Baker Center.


No mention at all of this in today's Dispatch.

That's the one part that makes me feel bad. Up Close is an open house visit for admitted high school seniors still making their college decisions. Having worked in that office, you want those visits to be as normal as possible.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 9:25:59 AM 
Robert Fox wrote:
shabamon wrote:
So what exactly would be the appropriate response to let this thing know her act is not welcome?

Recognize it for what it was: provocative and designed to get a big reaction so they could splash it all over the media. Given that, the response should have been a big collective yawn.

Instead, the students did exactly what this young lady hoped they would do.

Ever feel like your being pulled around by your nose?

This is exactly right. No side worth being on here.
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General User

Member Since: 4/5/2006
Location: matthews, NC
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 9:39:59 AM 
JSF wrote:
It's a great day to be a Bobcat. And that chant in Baker is as good as anything the O Zone ever did.

This is an interesting point - wonder if those disturbed by the student's response yesterday also feel the O-Zone should refrain? And if not, why the double standard?

Agree better all around to ignore her (Ala Brother Jed back in the day), but that's hard to pull off.
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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Bobcats on the National news
   Posted: 2/18/2020 10:03:19 AM 
genessee wrote:
Par for the new course at OU apparently. I would never send my kid there. I'd caution my students against it as well.

My daughter, a junior at Ohio University, texted me as this was happening from Alden Library, where she spent most of the day studying. She shared with me that she thought it was best to ignore this visitor to our campus and not provide her the platform/attention she was seeking.

I think what occurred yesterday would have happened at just about any campus. There were a number of students who participated while the majority did not. I couldn't be happier with my daughter's choice of attending Ohio University and I'm confident she will leave the university in a little over a year with a valuable degree in a high demand career field.

I will be happy if my 7th-grade son decides to attend Ohio University in a few years, but will not push him toward Athens. I teach at a middle school in central Ohio and our school counselor's son visited campus yesterday to look at our engineering school. There was a large number of high school seniors visiting campus yesterday as they were off for President's Day. I can't speak for any of these h.s. seniors except that this boy, according to his mom, came away with a positive outlook from what he witnessed.

I, for one, will not caution any prospective student from attending Ohio University based on yesterday's events.
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