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General Ohio University Discussion/Alumni Events
Topic:  Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University

Topic:  Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
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Member Since: 10/6/2012
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  Message Not Read  Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/2/2019 10:55:25 AM 
Interesting plan, I am curious as to how this will actually look. Interesting on the refocus of recruitment away from an in-state focus to a more of an on-line and hybrid model.

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Member Since: 3/6/2005
Location: The plains, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/2/2019 9:59:51 PM 
I have a two year degree from Ohio U. and have always thought they were behind things when it came to adult education. Maybe someone can prove me wrong, but classroom times are not geared towards local people. (on the branch campus maybe?). As far as online classes, I work and teach for Sinclair College and did an online teaching course last year. I know Sinclair is integrating online and in classroom work big time so perhaps Ohio U. is going in that direction too. The model today is continuing education as a lifetime endeavor due to changing technology and jobs.
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Alexandria, VA
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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 7:47:48 AM 
BillyTheCat wrote:
Interesting plan, I am curious as to how this will actually look. Interesting on the refocus of recruitment away from an in-state focus to a more of an on-line and hybrid model.


At the same time Nellis wants to recruit 1,000 students a year for his new honors program. Who then is left out? Existing scholarship programs will be honored and merit aid will continue. Non-Traditional students at the expense of of the traditional. Rank and file traditional students from the Appalachian counties will get less attention most likely as the university moves to smaller class sizes. It may lead to better overall stats but less money from the state for in-state degree completions.

Most Memorable Bobcat Events Attended
2010 97-83 win over Georgetown in NCAA 1st round
2012 45-13 victory over ULM in the Independence Bowl
2015 34-3 drubbing of Miami @ Peden front of 25,086

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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Alexandria, VA
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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 8:55:02 AM 
With the reduced enrollment where does this leave what remains of the 2016 master plan? I would argue there isn't much left to account for aside from Convo facilities, new aquatic center and new ice arena. Some buildings are dependent on others completing first.


Renovations to Ellis/Library (complete)
Renovations to Jefferson (complete)
Renovations to the President's house (complete)
Renovations to Seigfred (complete)
New Softball Stands (complete)
Sook Center (complete)
Ridges renovation (in-progress)
Clippinger renovation (in-progress)
Clippinger addition (in-progress)
New Osteopathic building (in-progress)
Engineering Faculty Center (awaiting ridges renovation)
West Green renovations (awaiting new Osteopathic building)
Aquatic Center/Bird Arena (study on feasibility)
New South Green academic building (requires Aquatic/Bird relocation)
Convo practice facility (no updates since 2016)
Ridges commercial development (administration decided it wasn't feasible)
Additional New South dorms (not happening with enrollment trends)

Most Memorable Bobcat Events Attended
2010 97-83 win over Georgetown in NCAA 1st round
2012 45-13 victory over ULM in the Independence Bowl
2015 34-3 drubbing of Miami @ Peden front of 25,086

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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,167

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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 10:23:15 AM 
yamaha45701 wrote:
I have a two year degree from Ohio U. and have always thought they were behind things when it came to adult education. Maybe someone can prove me wrong, but classroom times are not geared towards local people. (on the branch campus maybe?). As far as online classes, I work and teach for Sinclair College and did an online teaching course last year. I know Sinclair is integrating online and in classroom work big time so perhaps Ohio U. is going in that direction too. The model today is continuing education as a lifetime endeavor due to changing technology and jobs.

Agree 110%, especially in many of their Graduate Programs that could serve the professionals in the region. Many go to Ashland, Dayton, X and even OSU due to lack of flexibility in classes. The new MBA program at OHIO is much better than some other departments.
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cbus cat fan
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Member Since: 12/2/2011
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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 11:57:51 AM 
Billy and Alan Swank are probably far more knowledgeable about this than I am, but isn't Continuing Ed pretty much a tapped out market cornered by the players that are already on the field in cities like Columbus i.e. universities like Ashland, Dayton, Xavier etc? I had heard that Ohio Dominican and others were too late to the game and couldn't offer the types of classes and schedules to adequately compete with the aforementioned schools.

For what it's worth, I have heard many positive remarks from friends of mine in the medical profession concerning the Osteopathic Medical College. I didn't hear those same positive remarks years ago, so this is a positive development for the university's reputation in cities like Columbus and Cleveland.

BTW I like Alan's idea that he mentioned in another thread about having professionals sell the school to prospective students, in addition to their peers. There are a growing number of admission help providers that parents pay top dollar for to help their child find the right school. We could learn a great deal from them. I would hope our beloved Alma Mater has close relationships with these groups.

Last Edited: 10/3/2019 11:59:32 AM by cbus cat fan

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General User

Member Since: 4/28/2006
Location: Rochelle Park, NJ
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  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 12:34:52 PM 
cbus cat fan wrote:
Billy and Alan Swank are probably far more knowledgeable about this than I am, but isn't Continuing Ed pretty much a tapped out market cornered by the players that are already on the field in cities like Columbus i.e. universities like Ashland, Dayton, Xavier etc? I had heard that Ohio Dominican and others were too late to the game and couldn't offer the types of classes and schedules to adequately compete with the aforementioned schools.

For what it's worth, I have heard many positive remarks from friends of mine in the medical profession concerning the Osteopathic Medical College. I didn't hear those same positive remarks years ago, so this is a positive development for the university's reputation in cities like Columbus and Cleveland.

BTW I like Alan's idea that he mentioned in another thread about having professionals sell the school to prospective students, in addition to their peers. There are a growing number of admission help providers that parents pay top dollar for to help their child find the right school. We could learn a great deal from them. I would hope our beloved Alma Mater has close relationships with these groups.

As I've posted,I chair FDU's Industrial Advisory Committee for Civil Engineering and Civil and Construction Engineering Technology.

I can only speak for FDU's engineering programs.

Over the past several years FDU has really expanded our outreach to perspective students.

This includes having professors spend time meeting with high school students from areas that don't tend to traditionally have a lot of engineering students.

They do things like building a suspension bridge with cardboard.
The group that builds the strongest bridge gets a prize.

FDU also contacts alumni and their employers on a regular basis to provide feedback on our Engineering Programs.
Our graduates our are best ambassadors.

Must be working,based the increases we've seen in enrollment.
In fact,over the past couple of years we've increased the number of Engineering Degree programs we offer.

As far as Continuing Ed.
All professionals in N.J.have to take Continuing Ed. classes to maintain their licenses.

A number of colleges now offer 1 day Continuing Education Seminars for various professionals.

This is a great revenue source for the school.

Plus it provides "exposure".

We always make sure that there are engineering or land surveying exhibits adjacent to the lecture hall where the Continuing Ed seminar is given.

We've had a number of people inquire about our programs for family,friends or employees.

People don't seem to mind an hour or so drive to get 8 continuing education credits,plus lunch.

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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,167

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: Interesting Article on the future of OHIO University
   Posted: 10/3/2019 1:17:20 PM 
cbus cat fan wrote:
Billy and Alan Swank are probably far more knowledgeable about this than I am, but isn't Continuing Ed pretty much a tapped out market cornered by the players that are already on the field in cities like Columbus i.e. universities like Ashland, Dayton, Xavier etc? I had heard that Ohio Dominican and others were too late to the game and couldn't offer the types of classes and schedules to adequately compete with the aforementioned schools.

For what it's worth, I have heard many positive remarks from friends of mine in the medical profession concerning the Osteopathic Medical College. I didn't hear those same positive remarks years ago, so this is a positive development for the university's reputation in cities like Columbus and Cleveland.

BTW I like Alan's idea that he mentioned in another thread about having professionals sell the school to prospective students, in addition to their peers. There are a growing number of admission help providers that parents pay top dollar for to help their child find the right school. We could learn a great deal from them. I would hope our beloved Alma Mater has close relationships with these groups.

Problem in continuing Ed, is Ohio was not really late to the game, as much as they did not understand the game. Hard to get a Master's in education when classes are during the traditional school year and during the school day. Now, they have worked on that and have two pretty successful programs going now, but they put themselves way behind due to simple misunderstanding the industry and needs of the people.
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