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Topic:  The College Tour - Ohio University Athens

Topic:  The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
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  Message Not Read  The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/15/2022 3:55:37 PM 

No grandmothers, but this new 29-minute promotional piece includes brief highlights of community and campus life, including the 110, Russ College, HCOM, international programs, sustainability, res life, etc.

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/16/2022 11:24:41 AM 
Wasn't the engineering building on the West Green a dorm back in the day?
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Mike Johnson
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/16/2022 12:46:20 PM 
giacomo wrote:
Wasn't the engineering building on the West Green a dorm back in the day?

If memory serves, all West Green buildings initially were dorms.


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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/16/2022 2:45:09 PM 
Mike Johnson wrote:
giacomo wrote:
Wasn't the engineering building on the West Green a dorm back in the day?

If memory serves, all West Green buildings initially were dorms.

They were all dorms when I was at O.U. in the mid/late 70's
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/16/2022 4:08:57 PM 
Didn't realize this is a series and not unique to Ohio. Still well done
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 8:45:11 AM 
Does anyone remember the name it used to be?
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 8:53:10 AM 
giacomo wrote:
Does anyone remember the name it used to be?

Crook Hall
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 1:33:45 PM 
Thank you!


I found this and it appears that about 6 buildings near the South Green were demolished in 2016-17. I wonder what that was all about.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 1:45:13 PM 
Too many rooms, they took down more this summer. Basically all of the back of New South (by the Rugby field) is gone!
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 2:58:24 PM 
giacomo wrote:
Thank you!


I found this and it appears that about 6 buildings near the South Green were demolished in 2016-17. I wonder what that was all about.

There were a number of "issues" with some of the buildings because of flooding.

When I was at O.U., their ground floors were always getting flooded, to one degree or another especially in the Spring.

Their construction predated Flood Maps.

Today, under FEMA regulations, you probably wouldn't be allowed to build them.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 3:37:26 PM 
rpbobcat wrote:
giacomo wrote:
Thank you!


I found this and it appears that about 6 buildings near the South Green were demolished in 2016-17. I wonder what that was all about.

There were a number of "issues" with some of the buildings because of flooding.

When I was at O.U., their ground floors were always getting flooded, to one degree or another especially in the Spring.

Their construction predated Flood Maps.

Today, under FEMA regulations, you probably wouldn't be allowed to build them.

When were you there? And flooding had nothing to do with the reason given. The new dorms are also built on the same flood plain.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/17/2022 9:11:30 PM 
"reason given" - may be vey different than the "reason why"

Last Edited: 8/17/2022 9:12:05 PM by cc-cat

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 7:16:12 AM 
BillyTheCat wrote:

When were you there? And flooding had nothing to do with the reason given. The new dorms are also built on the same flood plain.

I was at O.U. Fall 71 to Spring of 74.

The ground floors of the dorms on New South had issues with water on the ground floors.
It wasn't constant, mostly during the heavy Spring rains.

The ground floors of the New South dorms didn't have living space.
They did have things like a T.V. room.

The ground near them was "soggy" all the time.

We were told that flooding was the reason for the elevated walkways.

I don't know which "new " dorms you're referring to.
If you're talking about Tanaka Hall, its "elevated". They raised the elevation of the ground around it.

New South predates Flood Maps (I believe the first ones came out in the early 80's ).
No way those dorms could be built where/how they were built today.

When talking about a "Flood Plain" the are a couple of things that come into
play, including "Floodway" and "Flood Hazard Area" (100 year Flood Zone).

I don't know about Ohio, but in NJ you can't build in a "Floodway".
You can build in a Flood Hazard Area under certain conditions.

They include limits on what is called Net Fill and setting the elevation of the lowest living space, one foot above the 100 year Flood Elevation.

As far as what O.U. gave as the reason for their demolition, when the idea of
demolishing New South dorms was first proposed, one of the reasons the administration gave was damage the building had sustained from flooding.

If I recall correctly, at the tome, The Post had a couple of articles on it.

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 10:13:54 AM 
IMHO, demolishing the Old South dorms is the only legitimate demolition of OU buildings in my memory. These buildings were very poorly constructed. They were put up hurriedly during the student boom years. This contrasts greatly with buildings like Scott that were very well built and could easily have lasted multiple centuries.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 1:44:43 PM 
rpbobcat wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

When were you there? And flooding had nothing to do with the reason given. The new dorms are also built on the same flood plain.

I was at O.U. Fall 71 to Spring of 74.

The ground floors of the dorms on New South had issues with water on the ground floors.
It wasn't constant, mostly during the heavy Spring rains.

The ground floors of the New South dorms didn't have living space.
They did have things like a T.V. room.

The ground near them was "soggy" all the time.

We were told that flooding was the reason for the elevated walkways.

I don't know which "new " dorms you're referring to.
If you're talking about Tanaka Hall, its "elevated". They raised the elevation of the ground around it.

New South predates Flood Maps (I believe the first ones came out in the early 80's ).
No way those dorms could be built where/how they were built today.

When talking about a "Flood Plain" the are a couple of things that come into
play, including "Floodway" and "Flood Hazard Area" (100 year Flood Zone).

I don't know about Ohio, but in NJ you can't build in a "Floodway".
You can build in a Flood Hazard Area under certain conditions.

They include limits on what is called Net Fill and setting the elevation of the lowest living space, one foot above the 100 year Flood Elevation.

As far as what O.U. gave as the reason for their demolition, when the idea of
demolishing New South dorms was first proposed, one of the reasons the administration gave was damage the building had sustained from flooding.

If I recall correctly, at the tome, The Post had a couple of articles on it.

Lived there three years in the early 90's and never had water or water issues in the New South dorms.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 2:39:04 PM 
BillyTheCat wrote:

Lived there three years in the early 90's and never had water or water issues in the New South dorms.

That was 20 years after I was there.

I have no idea what O.U. did in the interim to try to address the problems with what we call "nuisance" flooding, on New South.

I dated a girl on New South, the Spring of my Freshman year.

She used to call me (back when dorms had phones in the rooms) to tell
me if I needed to use the elevated walkway to go visit.

We used to jog on the road that ran behind New South.
There were a number of times we couldn't get through because of water.

Again, why would they bother building elevated walkways, if there were no flooding issues ?

I got to O.U. the year they were completing moving the Hocking River.

Apparently, the flooding all over campus, was much worse before it was moved.

When I was there, the ground floors of at least some of the dorms on New South had "open archways".

If current on-line pictures are accurate, they've been closed in.
That, in and of itself would keep out water.

Just for "shits and giggles" I checked the current (2009) FEMA FIRM Flood Map.
New South is smack dab in the middle of the Flood Hazard Area, and very close to
the Floodway.

So, if there's a 100 year flood, that whole area is under water.

The FEMA FIRM Map doesn't show existing ground elevations so I don't know how
deep the water would get.

I'm sure the information is out there somewhere, but I don't know if/when Athens had a "actual" 100 year flood.

People, especially the media, throw around the words "100 Year Storm" or "100 Year Flood" all the time.

But, to be a true " 100 year flood" the water levels have a "hit" the elevations shown on FEMA FIRM Map.

You can go to FEMA's web site and look up any of the New South dorms, by their street address, (I did 167 South Green Drive) you can see just how flood prone that area is.

Last Edited: 8/18/2022 2:43:21 PM by rpbobcat

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 9:12:05 PM 
The 100 year flood plain is also well before the river was rerouted. Baker center sits in the flood plain as well as the new dorms which are also elevated with a parking garage under it.
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General User

Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 9:48:07 PM 
rpbobcat wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:

Lived there three years in the early 90's and never had water or water issues in the New South dorms.

That was 20 years after I was there.

I have no idea what O.U. did in the interim to try to address the problems with what we call "nuisance" flooding, on New South.

I dated a girl on New South, the Spring of my Freshman year.

She used to call me (back when dorms had phones in the rooms) to tell
me if I needed to use the elevated walkway to go visit.

We used to jog on the road that ran behind New South.
There were a number of times we couldn't get through because of water.

Again, why would they bother building elevated walkways, if there were no flooding issues ?

I got to O.U. the year they were completing moving the Hocking River.

Apparently, the flooding all over campus, was much worse before it was moved.

When I was there, the ground floors of at least some of the dorms on New South had "open archways".

If current on-line pictures are accurate, they've been closed in.
That, in and of itself would keep out water.

Just for "shits and giggles" I checked the current (2009) FEMA FIRM Flood Map.
New South is smack dab in the middle of the Flood Hazard Area, and very close to
the Floodway.

So, if there's a 100 year flood, that whole area is under water.

The FEMA FIRM Map doesn't show existing ground elevations so I don't know how
deep the water would get.

I'm sure the information is out there somewhere, but I don't know if/when Athens had a "actual" 100 year flood.

People, especially the media, throw around the words "100 Year Storm" or "100 Year Flood" all the time.

But, to be a true " 100 year flood" the water levels have a "hit" the elevations shown on FEMA FIRM Map.

You can go to FEMA's web site and look up any of the New South dorms, by their street address, (I did 167 South Green Drive) you can see just how flood prone that area is.

I was in Athens '72 - '76 but lived on West Green which was great for playing hoops in Grover. But I had friends on New South and recall the water issues. West Green was great since a lot of the Bobcat basketball team lived there so we had a chance to play with/against them in pickup games. And the first bar we hit uptown was The Graduate or the Union.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/18/2022 10:28:00 PM 
My years were 77-81 and I don’t recall any flooding during that time.
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 7:14:35 AM 
BillyTheCat wrote:
The 100 year flood plain is also well before the river was rerouted.

That's not correct.

Before FEMA issues a new FIRM Map, they do studies, including Flood Plain modeling , using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS software.

Based on this, they adjust the limits of the Floodway and Flood Hazard Area as necessary.

The current (2009 ) FIRM Map for Athens shows the relocated Hocking River.

So the Floodway and Flood Zones are based on that.

BillyTheCat wrote:

Baker Center sits in the flood plain as well as the new dorms which are also elevated with a with a parking garage under it.

As far as Baker, and the new dorms, as I said in my previous posts, you can build in a 100 year Food Zone, if you follow certain restrictions.

In NJ, that includes restrictions on what is called "Net Fill" and the elevation of the lowest living space being 1 foot above the 100 year (Base Flood) flood elevation.
(FEMA calls it BF+1)

As I also posted, its obvious from the online pictures, that's what O.U. did with Tanaka Hall.

If you do build in a 100 year flood zone, normally,to get a Certificate of Occupancy you have to provide an Elevation Certificate.

That's a FEMA document, that's signed and sealed by a Licensed Land Surveyor, that shows if a structure was built per its approved elevations.

As far as parking garages, they aren't subject to the same restrictions.

I've seen some projects in North Jersey where FEMA and/or the NJDEP allowed 2' of water in 100 year storm.

I've designed projects that use watertight "flood barriers" that act as a "dam" to keep flood waters from entering parking garages.

Athens hasn't had anything close to 100 year storm since Baker and the dorms were built.
So I don't know what happens to the their parking garages in a 100 year storm.

Last Edited: 8/19/2022 8:38:13 AM by rpbobcat

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 8:39:15 AM 
What year was the Hocking rerouted around town?
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General User

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 8:58:28 AM 
giacomo wrote:
What year was the Hocking rerouted around town?

As far as I know, it had been planned for years.

The 1968 Flood was what finally pushed the Army Corps of Engineers to move the river.

I lived in GAM,starting in the Fall of 1971.

I met some people who had been at O.U. for a few years.

They said the East Green had flooding every Spring, including when they started to move the Hocking.
But apparently the 1968 flood was really bad.

The Army Corps started the project in 1969.

They say it was completed in 1971.

When I got to O.U. most of the work was

There was still some work being done, mostly along the river banks, including for some outfall structures, on and off through at least part of 1972.

When I started at O.U. the old riverbed was still there, as were some of the pedestrian bridges to cross it.

I was amazed at how narrow it was, compared to the relocated river.

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General User

Member Since: 8/6/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 12:18:16 PM 
rpbobcat wrote:
giacomo wrote:
What year was the Hocking rerouted around town?

As far as I know, it had been planned for years.

The 1968 Flood was what finally pushed the Army Corps of Engineers to move the river.

I lived in GAM,starting in the Fall of 1971.

I met some people who had been at O.U. for a few years.

They said the East Green had flooding every Spring, including when they started to move the Hocking.
But apparently the 1968 flood was really bad.

The Army Corps started the project in 1969.

They say it was completed in 1971.

When I got to O.U. most of the work was

There was still some work being done, mostly along the river banks, including for some outfall structures, on and off through at least part of 1972.

When I started at O.U. the old riverbed was still there, as were some of the pedestrian bridges to cross it.

I was amazed at how narrow it was, compared to the relocated river.

My dad was a freshman (i think) for the flood of ‘68, living in on the ground floor of Lincoln hall. His favorite stories/recollections of the flood are
(1) waking up one morning and going to his window, looking UP at someone passing by (presumably in the street) in a boat
(2) at night, looking at the Front Four from the vicinity of Morton Hall: with the water and the lights on in the dorms, they looked like cruise ships at sea
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General User

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 12:38:54 PM 
mf279801 wrote:

My dad was a freshman (i think) for the flood of ‘68, living in on the ground floor of Lincoln hall. His favorite stories/recollections of the flood are
(1) waking up one morning and going to his window, looking UP at someone passing by (presumably in the street) in a boat
(2) at night, looking at the Front Four from the vicinity of Morton Hall: with the water and the lights on in the dorms, they looked like cruise ships at sea

I've seen pictures of desks put end to end from GAM to Shively so students could get across the street during floods.

Last Edited: 8/19/2022 12:39:21 PM by rpbobcat

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General User

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  Message Not Read  RE: The College Tour - Ohio University Athens
   Posted: 8/19/2022 4:50:43 PM 
I recall one dorm on east or south that was for married students. Is that still around?
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