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General Ohio University Discussion/Alumni Events
Topic:  Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??

Topic:  Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
General User

Member Since: 3/12/2005
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  Message Not Read  Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
   Posted: 3/8/2023 6:43:13 PM 
What's the deal? Rumors about a fighter jet air national guard squadron from the Toledo area practicing maneuvers and making people think there are earthquake tremors?

I did see a link to report noise complaints for that air guard squadron but if they are willing to fly to the other end of the state to cause this, why would they give a crap about people complaining over it?

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
   Posted: 3/8/2023 6:59:29 PM 
greencat wrote:
What's the deal? Rumors about a fighter jet air national guard squadron from the Toledo area practicing maneuvers and making people think there are earthquake tremors?

I did see a link to report noise complaints for that air guard squadron but if they are willing to fly to the other end of the state to cause this, why would they give a crap about people complaining over it?


A friend of mine locally texted me asking if I had heard this sonic boom, but I did not. I guess it must have been a lot stronger in some parts of the area than others. This friend lives in the New Marshfield area and he said it sounded like his house had been hit by a vehicle. Another person in that area described it sounding like a nearby house had blown up. That second person is a retired U.S. Army general, so not prone to over-exaggerate this type of thing. .

Last Edited: 3/8/2023 11:02:08 PM by OhioCatFan

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
   Posted: 3/8/2023 10:20:57 PM 

It’s awesome.

Can somebody hit a pull up jumper for me?.....

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Member Since: 10/6/2012
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  Message Not Read  RE: Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
   Posted: 3/9/2023 3:30:29 PM 
greencat wrote:
What's the deal? Rumors about a fighter jet air national guard squadron from the Toledo area practicing maneuvers and making people think there are earthquake tremors?

I did see a link to report noise complaints for that air guard squadron but if they are willing to fly to the other end of the state to cause this, why would they give a crap about people complaining over it?


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Member Since: 2/2/2017
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  Message Not Read  RE: Sonic booms over SE OH March 6-9??
   Posted: 3/26/2023 9:56:03 PM 


Buckeye MOA and the interconnecting Brush Creek MOA are controlled by Indianapolis ARTCC (Indy Center, ZID). For the most part the two MOAs are mainly used by the 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard based at Toledo, flying the F-16C/D 'Fighting Falcon'.

Other units using the MOAs on occasion are the 163rd Fighter Squadron based in Fort Wayne, and the 107th Fighter Squadron based at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan. Both of these units fly the A-10 'Thunderbolt II' aircraft.
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