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General Ohio University Discussion/Alumni Events
Topic:  Ohio cited in Title IX non-compliance article

Topic:  Ohio cited in Title IX non-compliance article
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Member Since: 7/8/2010
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  Message Not Read  Ohio cited in Title IX non-compliance article
   Posted: 8/20/2022 12:57:08 PM 
Under Title IX, the amount of scholarship money for male and female athletes must fall within one percentage point of their representation in the school's athletics. A USAT survey shows that only 32 of 107 D1A/FBS public schools comply with the requirement. They asked the 20 most egregious non-compliers why they aren't complying. Ohio was among the group, at 4.8% outside the requirement. Ohio explained that its non-compliance was due to permissible, non-discriminatory reasons. USAT didn't give specifics, but cited examples, such as a greater share of male athletes come from out-of-state or attend summer school, or female athletes receive more non-athletic academic aid.

Other MAC schools on the list were EMU at 4.7% outside the requirement (they're operating under a consent decree from a 2018 lawsuit), CMU 7.4% (didn't dispute they're out of compliance but gave no reason), MOFO 5.6% and BG 3.7% (neither responded to USAT). The full article is here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2022/0... /.

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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
Post Count: 10,167

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  Message Not Read  RE: Ohio cited in Title IX non-compliance article
   Posted: 8/22/2022 1:21:39 PM 
Great time to not even have a "compliance" office at OHIO.
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