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General Ohio University Discussion/Alumni Events
Topic:  You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four

Topic:  You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
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  Message Not Read  You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/29/2021 10:43:56 PM 
Wearing some Bobcat gear while standing in line for the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls on Tuesday and a nice young woman turns around and says to me "Are you a Bobcat?" Turns out she's a senior meteorology student at Ohio. My son joined in and the three of us Bobcats got to spend a few minutes relishing Ohio.

After getting thoroughly drenched, I was heading to the lower deck and I heard "Go Bobcats" behind me. At least three Bobcats were behind me, two from the 2020 class and one from 1981. There may have been others; I was still trying to get the roar of the water out of my ears.

You can find Bobcats where you least expect them.

We will get by.
We will get by.
We will get by.
We will survive.

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Jeff McKinney

Member Since: 11/12/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/29/2021 11:50:33 PM 
I love that!
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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/30/2021 10:55:29 AM 
Pataskala wrote:
Wearing some Bobcat gear while standing in line for the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls on Tuesday and a nice young woman turns around and says to me "Are you a Bobcat?" Turns out she's a senior meteorology student at Ohio. My son joined in and the three of us Bobcats got to spend a few minutes relishing Ohio.

After getting thoroughly drenched, I was heading to the lower deck and I heard "Go Bobcats" behind me. At least three Bobcats were behind me, two from the 2020 class and one from 1981. There may have been others; I was still trying to get the roar of the water out of my ears.

You can find Bobcats where you least expect them.

If you wear the gear, they will find you. I've met some Bobcats in desolate locations and I am always filled with pride whenever it happens
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General User

Member Since: 10/25/2005
Location: Portland, OR
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/30/2021 1:13:01 PM 
Summer of 2019 we ran into a family of Bobcats in Cinque Terra, Italy - a few days later we saw more in the Hofbrauhaus in Munich. I love hearing 'Go Bobcats' whenever travelling. We're somewhat invasive...
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/30/2021 1:14:37 PM 
In line at the Guinness Museum in Dublin, Ireland, the two people ahead of me were both Bobcats -- and they weren't together!

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Member Since: 3/12/2005
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 7/31/2021 12:21:59 PM 
Hilton Head Island, SC at the kayak tour place one time.

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Member Since: 12/20/2004
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/1/2021 12:13:45 PM 
My most distant Bobcat encounter of the third kind (apologies to my father's classmate J. Allen Hynek) was in the airport in Glasgow, Scotland. I was wearing my "OHIO" ball cap and a guy comes up to me and says that he and his wife live in Athens, and that she is a faculty member. One of them, I forget which one, was a native of Scotland and they were on a trip to visit relatives. They had been on the same plane that we had taken from Reykjavik to Glasgow.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Mike Johnson
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/1/2021 3:29:18 PM 
Some of my memorable Bobcat connections: In Paris, in the park adjacent the Eiffel Tower, I heard a voice ask: "Are you an Ohio man?" I was wearing an OHIO cap. The man asking had been on the faculty of Ohio's business school.

Passing through Tokyo's Narita Airport, wearing an OHIO jacket, a young woman smiled and said, "Go Bobcats!"

On the main street of Valletta, Malta's capital, I saw a man walking toward me. He was wearing an OHIO polo shirt. I was wearing an OHIO cap. When he got to within 25 or so feet, I stopped and pointed to my cap. He saw it, smiled and kept approaching. We shook hands and within moments learned that we had been OHIO students at the same time.


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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/3/2021 9:14:48 AM 
SBH wrote:
In line at the Guinness Museum in Dublin, Ireland, the two people ahead of me were both Bobcats -- and they weren't together!

Was this when you went out for the "Shamrock Bowl"? Sorry, couldn't resist bringing up probably the greatest lowlight in Bobcat Athletic Department History.
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west side cat
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/7/2021 10:30:03 AM 
My wife and I were hiking Bear Mountain in Sedona. I had on a t-shirt my daughter got me "just a kid from athens" (joe burrow/bengals shirt). A young couple hiking up stopped us and asked me if I was from Athens. Said I'm from Cincy but went to OU. His wife did too so we started talking and I told her my daughter was a Bobcat grad also. The young lady asked us if she was in a sorority and we said ADPi, she was friends and sorority sister with my daughter. Crazy!
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Mike Johnson
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Member Since: 11/11/2004
Location: North Canton, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/7/2021 12:26:46 PM 
Mike Johnson wrote:
Some of my memorable Bobcat connections: In Paris, in the park adjacent the Eiffel Tower, I heard a voice ask: "Are you an Ohio man?" I was wearing an OHIO cap. The man asking had been on the faculty of Ohio's business school.

Passing through Tokyo's Narita Airport, wearing an OHIO jacket, a young woman smiled and said, "Go Bobcats!"

On the main street of Valletta, Malta's capital, I saw a man walking toward me. He was wearing an OHIO polo shirt. I was wearing an OHIO cap. When he got to within 25 or so feet, I stopped and pointed to my cap. He saw it, smiled and kept approaching. We shook hands and within moments learned that we had been OHIO students at the same time.

Before my first visit to Malta in 2016 - I returned in 2019 - my British friend Peter said that I should wear an OHIO cap. "Why?" I asked. "Because," said Peter, "a ship named OHIO was crucial to saving Malta from seizure by Germany in 1943. If someone old enough sees you wearing an Ohio cap, he might buy you a drink."

Well, I didn't get offered a drink. But if you'd like to learn more about how OHIO saved Malta, read Operation Pedestal by Max Hastings. Or you could go to amazon and order a movie titled The Malta Story. It was made while the war still was being fiercely fought and it was filmed in Malta. Stars a very young Sir Alec Guinness.

Last Edited: 8/7/2021 12:27:18 PM by Mike Johnson


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General User

Member Since: 4/28/2006
Location: Rochelle Park, NJ
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  Message Not Read  RE: You just never know where you'll run into a Bobcat or four
   Posted: 8/21/2021 7:28:59 PM 
Went out to dinner tonight.

I was wearing an O.U. tee shirt.

Was walking through the restaurant when a woman said in a loud voice "go Bobcats".

Went over and said "hi"

Turns out she and I were at O.U. at the same time.

She lived in Tiffin I lived in GAM.
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