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Topic:  Pilcher House

Topic:  Pilcher House
Antonio Pierce
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  Message Not Read  Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/23/2016 8:18:43 PM 
Why in such disrepair?

Last Edited: 5/23/2016 8:19:06 PM by Antonio Pierce

Don't let one day define the rest of your life.

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/23/2016 8:25:26 PM 
Antonio Pierce wrote:
Why in such disrepair?

OU calls it "deferred maintenance." Most home owners would call it wanton neglect. Pretty much the story of campus upkeep the last 5 to 7 years.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/24/2016 7:26:00 AM 
As an engineer,I love looking at old buildings.

Last time I was in Athens I noticed that the Pitcher House needed work.

I think a big problem with the building is what can you do with it.

I don't know about Ohio's Codes,but in N.J. if you wanted to do any renovations, you'd have to bring it up to current standards,including ADA.
Just looking at it from the outside,that would be tough and may not even be feasible.

Maybe O.U. could look into restoring it to what it was when it was the actual "Pitcher House".

Last Edited: 5/24/2016 7:27:04 AM by rpbobcat

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David E Brightbill
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/24/2016 6:01:10 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
Antonio Pierce wrote:
Why in such disrepair?

OU calls it "deferred maintenance." Most home owners would call it wanton neglect. Pretty much the story of campus upkeep the last 5 to 7 years.


The university has poured millions of dollars dealing with deferred maitaince in the last several years. The administration and the board developed a unique and cutting edge financing system ( century bond) to assure that the backlog is steadily reduced going forward. There is a priority list as there should be. It may not conform to your list but lots of thought and planning goes into it. It is reviewed annually.
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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/25/2016 5:11:18 PM 
David E Brightbill wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
Antonio Pierce wrote:
Why in such disrepair?

OU calls it "deferred maintenance." Most home owners would call it wanton neglect. Pretty much the story of campus upkeep the last 5 to 7 years.


The university has poured millions of dollars dealing with deferred maitaince in the last several years. The administration and the board developed a unique and cutting edge financing system ( century bond) to assure that the backlog is steadily reduced going forward. There is a priority list as there should be. It may not conform to your list but lots of thought and planning goes into it. It is reviewed annually.

David - your statements are true but why did we neglect the maintenance in the first place and why have we reduced the number of people on campus that we had taking care of the buildings and grounds just 10 years ago? I'd be more than happy to take you on a tour of campus so that you can see first hand what those of us who live here see every day as opposed to the scripted "tour" that the board gets.

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David E Brightbill
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/25/2016 8:55:10 PM 
Thanks for the offer but I spent a lot of time on campus as a trustee and still spend a lot of time there. You may think trustees are out of touch, but we had members down in the steam tunnels. In the old south green dorms before the new ones were built. In practically every classroom building not just where students go but where the mechanical equipment is etc. I have been places I doubt you have ever been. Hours of meetings on deferred maintence needs and how to finance maintenance and renovation. Prehaps you have missed all the construction on campus the last several years. I don't see how though since it seemed like streets were closed at some point everywhere on campus

Last Edited: 5/25/2016 9:00:45 PM by David E Brightbill

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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/25/2016 9:56:00 PM 
Alan Swank wrote:
. . . why did we neglect the maintenance in the first place and why have we reduced the number of people on campus that we had taking care of the buildings and grounds just 10 years ago? . . .

This is a good question, Alan, but I think the problem started quite a bit earlier than ten years ago. When I returned to Athens in the fall of 1978, the upkeep of campus was horrible -- even worse than it is today. Then in the early 1980s, the administration hired a lot more maintenance folks and things improved dramatically. There was then for about ten years or so a "golden age" of campus upkeep and maintenance. Sometime in the 1990s, things began to slip. As I recall when budgets got tight maintenance was one of the first things to be cut. And, once cut, this crucial area was not refunded when the budget improved. It may have been better ten years ago than today, I don't dispute that, but ten years ago it was way below its zenith. If I was a rich man, I'd give the university several endowments -- one would be for wages for the maintenance crew. To get back to sports, another would be to endow athletic scholarships. The former being more important than the latter. I'd also endow some academic areas, but that's beyond the scope of this thread.

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/26/2016 1:57:11 PM 
David E Brightbill wrote:
Thanks for the offer but I spent a lot of time on campus as a trustee and still spend a lot of time there. You may think trustees are out of touch, but we had members down in the steam tunnels. In the old south green dorms before the new ones were built. In practically every classroom building not just where students go but where the mechanical equipment is etc. I have been places I doubt you have ever been. Hours of meetings on deferred maintence needs and how to finance maintenance and renovation. Prehaps you have missed all the construction on campus the last several years. I don't see how though since it seemed like streets were closed at some point everywhere on campus

So with all of your time on campus, what would be your top five sites/spots to catch up on neglected maintenance?

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Alan Swank
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/26/2016 2:18:25 PM 
OhioCatFan wrote:
Alan Swank wrote:
. . . why did we neglect the maintenance in the first place and why have we reduced the number of people on campus that we had taking care of the buildings and grounds just 10 years ago? . . .

This is a good question, Alan, but I think the problem started quite a bit earlier than ten years ago. When I returned to Athens in the fall of 1978, the upkeep of campus was horrible -- even worse than it is today. Then in the early 1980s, the administration hired a lot more maintenance folks and things improved dramatically. There was then for about ten years or so a "golden age" of campus upkeep and maintenance. Sometime in the 1990s, things began to slip. As I recall when budgets got tight maintenance was one of the first things to be cut. And, once cut, this crucial area was not refunded when the budget improved. It may have been better ten years ago than today, I don't dispute that, but ten years ago it was way below its zenith. If I was a rich man, I'd give the university several endowments -- one would be for wages for the maintenance crew. To get back to sports, another would be to endow athletic scholarships. The former being more important than the latter. I'd also endow some academic areas, but that's beyond the scope of this thread.

Right you are OCF. When we came to campus in 1979, this place was a landscape nightmare. Dr. Ping actually sat in our "apartment" in Pickering Hall and told us that we were grossly understaffed. I thought he was crazy at the time but that's another story. As it turns out, in the next 15 to 20 years the campus really improved. When I compared today to 10 years ago it was because my daughter got married on the Ridges 10 years ago this July and one of the grounds and maintenance guys had the old auditorium looking perfect for the occasion. Since then, the number of folks working up there has been cut back and it's pretty much an eyesore again.

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Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 1:00:15 AM 
Alan, I appreciate your further comments and think we are on the same page here. Also, I appreciate the fact that you refrained from pointing out my glaring grammatical error in my previous post: "If I was a rich man . . . " should, of course, be "If I were a rich man . . . "

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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Member Since: 12/22/2004
Location: Guysville, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 7:54:28 AM 
During the 80's and 90's there were a lot of band-aids put on. Ohio didn't always fix it, we made it work for now. That has caught up and they seem to have a good plan in place to actually fix things.


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Alan Swank
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Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 8:17:48 AM 
OhioCatFan wrote:
Alan, I appreciate your further comments and think we are on the same page here. Also, I appreciate the fact that you refrained from pointing out my glaring grammatical error in my previous post: "If I was a rich man . . . " should, of course, be "If I were a rich man . . . "

For your morning enjoyment and entertainment:


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Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 1:24:04 PM 
Thanks, Alan. I actually thought about this song as I was writing my previous post. Enjoyed listening to it again! :-)

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

"It is better to be an optimist and be proven a fool than to be a pessimist and be proven right."

Note: My avatar is the national colors of the 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which are now preserved in a climate controlled vault at the Ohio History Connection. Learn more about the old 78th at: http://www.78ohio.org

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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 5:58:07 PM 
OhioCatFan wrote:
Thanks, Alan. I actually thought about this song as I was writing my previous post. Enjoyed listening to it again! :-)

Alan beat me to it, seaweed & oil tender boy. TRADITION!!!!!

"All my inside sources tell me I have no inside sources." Salvatore "money bucks" Mafiosiano.

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Alan Swank
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Location: Athens, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 5/27/2016 6:34:51 PM 
oldkatz wrote:
OhioCatFan wrote:
Thanks, Alan. I actually thought about this song as I was writing my previous post. Enjoyed listening to it again! :-)

Alan beat me to it, seaweed & oil tender boy. TRADITION!!!!!

Only because I have high speed internet and you're still on dial up.
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Antonio Pierce
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Member Since: 10/13/2012
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 3/31/2021 1:47:28 PM 
I understand the property is under contract to be sold. Anyone have any details?

Don't let one day define the rest of your life.

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Location: Lakewood, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 4/7/2021 6:55:03 PM 
Antonio Pierce wrote:
I understand the property is under contract to be sold. Anyone have any details?

I have no details, but found the article below interesting. Sounds like they are knocking(already have) down several structures as well. Brown house at the top of Jeff Hill is no more.


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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 4/8/2021 6:12:24 PM 
I am completely ignorant to the details, but it's upsetting to see the Brown House taken down and the jettisoning of Pilcher.

"Loyalty to a hometown or city is fleeting and interchangeable, but college is a stamp of identity."- Kyle Whelliston, One Beautiful Season.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Pilcher House
   Posted: 4/10/2021 12:17:38 PM 
What stays and goes is part of a house strategy that was developed around the time of the last master plan in 2016.

The former president house 29 Park Place and alumni center have ADA renovations completed.

https://ohiotoday.org/grounds-for-change /

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