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Topic:  NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for Winter 2021 (NT)

Topic:  NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for Winter 2021 (NT)
Jeff McKinney

Member Since: 11/12/2004
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  Message Not Read  NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for Winter 2021 (NT)
   Posted: 2/6/2021 11:41:16 PM 
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/6/2021 11:59:54 PM 
Jeff McKinney wrote:

So....for D1, are we about to find out if it’s about health or money?
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Location: Dayton, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 2:41:36 AM 
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.
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General User

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 9:58:57 AM 
After going to their site I found it is due to lack of participation of member schools. Per my comment, I had mistakenly assumed the decision was directly related to the DIII tournament itself and Covid concerns, and, my post was rooted in how the same organization (NCAA) was going to state (rationalize) the two (Div I and Div III) different paths they were apparently taking in their decision-making process.
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General User

Member Since: 10/6/2012
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 11:19:22 AM 
CatsUp wrote:
After going to their site I found it is due to lack of participation of member schools. Per my comment, I had mistakenly assumed the decision was directly related to the DIII tournament itself and Covid concerns, and, my post was rooted in how the same organization (NCAA) was going to state (rationalize) the two (Div I and Div III) different paths they were apparently taking in their decision-making process.

Exactly!!! Imagine that, facts being entered into a decision 🤦🏼‍♂️
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General User

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 11:38:34 AM 
BillyTheCat wrote:
CatsUp wrote:
After going to their site I found it is due to lack of participation of member schools. Per my comment, I had mistakenly assumed the decision was directly related to the DIII tournament itself and Covid concerns, and, my post was rooted in how the same organization (NCAA) was going to state (rationalize) the two (Div I and Div III) different paths they were apparently taking in their decision-making process.

Exactly!!! Imagine that, facts being entered into a decision 🤦🏼‍♂️

It was a question. Not a statement of fact.
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 12:03:13 PM 
CatsUp wrote:
BillyTheCat wrote:
CatsUp wrote:
After going to their site I found it is due to lack of participation of member schools. Per my comment, I had mistakenly assumed the decision was directly related to the DIII tournament itself and Covid concerns, and, my post was rooted in how the same organization (NCAA) was going to state (rationalize) the two (Div I and Div III) different paths they were apparently taking in their decision-making process.

Exactly!!! Imagine that, facts being entered into a decision 🤦🏼‍♂️

It was a question. Not a statement of fact.

Never mind. Misinterpreted your point when I read it the first time.
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OUs LONG Driver
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Member Since: 12/20/2004
Location: Copley, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 2:18:06 PM 
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

Have you somehow misunderstood that this is a contagious virus? Most kids will be fine but will their parents, grandparents, neighbors, coaches, teachers that they potentially infect? We're going to be over 1/2 a million dead by the end of the month. Is that not enough people for you to grasp this? Is this not an emergency situation yet? Would a million change your mind? 2 Million?

OK now for curfew...curfews are meant to curb activities that tend to worsen the longer into the evening they go...more drunks in a bar = less people following the rules = more likely to spread the virus. It has nothing to do with the time of day other than that's when these activities tend to occur in our society. Will the drunks start drinking earlier? Some, yes. All, no. That means less spread. It's not clever to assert the thought process is the virus is nocturnal, it actually makes you look even dumber.

The most ironic thing about this is these idiots that don't follow the recommendations are the very ones extending the situation that leads to their perceived oppression. This is called being a selfish A-hole. Those of us doing everything right we can are pretty tired of you screwing this up for us, hence my frustration with your opinions.

Have fun at your Super Bowl Party!
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 2:24:02 PM 
I'm old enough to remember March 2020 when Graf predicted that "Covid won't do jack sh*t."

Love when people with a history of being very, very wrong are also the most critical of decisions they disagree with. I get it's very easy to nitpick the official response to Covid, and that there are plenty of components that are overkill.

But if I'd swung and missed on this up front that badly, I don't think I'd feel like I was in a position to be hyper critical of others on the subject.

Last Edited: 2/7/2021 2:27:38 PM by Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 4:17:55 PM 
Give Graff some slack guys.

While he did lump his theory about the virus with his similar disdain for climate control, at least he spared all of us from his likely "looney lies and conspiracy theories" about school shootings and the 9-11 plane crash into the Pentagon.
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Member Since: 4/5/2006
Location: matthews, NC
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 4:29:58 PM 
I can't wait until Easter 2022 when churches are again packed and Trump declares, "See, I was right"
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Member Since: 1/5/2005
Location: Dayton, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 5:19:54 PM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
Give Graff some slack guys.

While he did lump his theory about the virus with his similar disdain for climate control, at least he spared all of us from his likely "looney lies and conspiracy theories" about school shootings and the 9-11 plane crash into the Pentagon.

While recognizing this was a shot at me, and also untrue - at least it gave me a good chuckle. High five sir.

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 7:09:38 PM 
cc-cat wrote:
I can't wait until Easter 2022 when churches are again packed and Trump declares, "See, I was right"

By then Biden will have implemented the Green New Deal, and church will be illegal.
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General User

Member Since: 1/29/2005
Location: Houston, TX
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 7:40:58 PM 
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

When your life philosophy is to be as wrong as possible as loudly as possible.

"Loyalty to a hometown or city is fleeting and interchangeable, but college is a stamp of identity."- Kyle Whelliston, One Beautiful Season.

My blog about depression and mental illness: https://bit.ly/3buGXH8

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General User

Member Since: 1/5/2005
Location: Dayton, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/7/2021 10:49:35 PM 
JSF wrote:
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

When your life philosophy is to be as wrong as possible as loudly as possible.

Ah yes, I forgot to check with social media before forming my thoughts or opinions. Welcome to Amerika. Home of #WrongThink and proud of it.

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General User

Member Since: 8/22/2010
Location: Columbus, OH
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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/8/2021 1:09:59 AM 
OUs LONG Driver wrote:
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

Have you somehow misunderstood that this is a contagious virus? Most kids will be fine but will their parents, grandparents, neighbors, coaches, teachers that they potentially infect? We're going to be over 1/2 a million dead by the end of the month. Is that not enough people for you to grasp this? Is this not an emergency situation yet? Would a million change your mind? 2 Million?

OK now for curfew...curfews are meant to curb activities that tend to worsen the longer into the evening they go...more drunks in a bar = less people following the rules = more likely to spread the virus. It has nothing to do with the time of day other than that's when these activities tend to occur in our society. Will the drunks start drinking earlier? Some, yes. All, no. That means less spread. It's not clever to assert the thought process is the virus is nocturnal, it actually makes you look even dumber.

The most ironic thing about this is these idiots that don't follow the recommendations are the very ones extending the situation that leads to their perceived oppression. This is called being a selfish A-hole. Those of us doing everything right we can are pretty tired of you screwing this up for us, hence my frustration with your opinions.

Have fun at your Super Bowl Party!

^ This - All of it

RS Bobcat

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General User

Member Since: 1/29/2005
Location: Houston, TX
Post Count: 6,495

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/8/2021 11:45:30 PM 
GraffZ06 wrote:
JSF wrote:
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

When your life philosophy is to be as wrong as possible as loudly as possible.

Ah yes, I forgot to check with social media before forming my thoughts or opinions. Welcome to Amerika. Home of #WrongThink and proud of it.

I'd suggest checking with something that actually would educate you.

"Loyalty to a hometown or city is fleeting and interchangeable, but college is a stamp of identity."- Kyle Whelliston, One Beautiful Season.

My blog about depression and mental illness: https://bit.ly/3buGXH8

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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
Post Count: 351

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 8:53:08 AM 
GraffZ06 wrote:
What's the mortality rate of healthy active 18-22 year olds again? Asking for a friend.

Maybe they should have pinky-sworn they would have double masked. And got the vaccine. And then they could buy some COVID offsets like they do with carbon offsets. You know, for every player who participates in intercollegiate athletics the university promises to keep another student locked in their basement. For safety.

But it's only 14 days to slow the spread. Or was it 100 days of masks?

Maybe the NCAA should take a cue from our esteemed governor. He claims the curfew has helped the numbers. COVID is nothing if not a nocturnal monster after all. If they would have just only played MORNING games - and made everybody stay really low to the ground as if you're sitting at a restaurant where the monster can't see you. Silly NCAA.

This entire thing is a calamitous joke.

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,853

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 11:04:14 AM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

This entire thing is a calamitous joke.

Finally, we're in agreement.

I completely, 100% agree that the pandemic that's killed 400,000 people thank, largely, to incompetent leadership and shitty planning and infrastructure, has been a calamitous joke.

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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
Post Count: 351

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 11:46:39 AM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

This entire thing is a calamitous joke.

Finally, we're in agreement.

I completely, 100% agree that the pandemic that's killed 400,000 people thank, largely, to incompetent leadership and shitty planning and infrastructure, has been a calamitous joke.

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
General User

Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,853

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 11:58:04 AM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

As did the leaders of the federal government who are in a position to give the CDC and NIH the resources they need to succeed, and failed to do so.

Many, many people abdicated their responsibilities, and the impact -- both in terms of lives lost, and the economic impact -- was far, far worse than it should have been.
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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
Post Count: 351

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 12:08:36 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

As did the leaders of the federal government who are in a position to give the CDC and NIH the resources they need to succeed, and failed to do so.

Many, many people abdicated their responsibilities, and the impact -- both in terms of lives lost, and the economic impact -- was far, far worse than it should have been.

Again on that we agree. Even worse, in terms of the economic impact, those making the decisions have not suffered in the least. Mandates and orders don't impact their financial lives at all. Their taxpayer financed paychecks have continued unabated.

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
General User

Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,853

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 12:12:17 PM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

As did the leaders of the federal government who are in a position to give the CDC and NIH the resources they need to succeed, and failed to do so.

Many, many people abdicated their responsibilities, and the impact -- both in terms of lives lost, and the economic impact -- was far, far worse than it should have been.

Again on that we agree. Even worse, in terms of the economic impact, those making the decisions have not suffered in the least. Mandates and orders don't impact their financial lives at all. Their taxpayer financed paychecks have continued unabated.

That elected officials are still getting paid isn't "even worse." There's far worse things in this situation than elected officials getting their paychecks.

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General User

Member Since: 9/6/2016
Post Count: 351

Status: Offline

  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 12:21:23 PM 
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

As did the leaders of the federal government who are in a position to give the CDC and NIH the resources they need to succeed, and failed to do so.

Many, many people abdicated their responsibilities, and the impact -- both in terms of lives lost, and the economic impact -- was far, far worse than it should have been.

Again on that we agree. Even worse, in terms of the economic impact, those making the decisions have not suffered in the least. Mandates and orders don't impact their financial lives at all. Their taxpayer financed paychecks have continued unabated.

That elected officials are still getting paid isn't "even worse." There's far worse things in this situation than elected officials getting their paychecks.

As you can see I said in terms of the economic impact. It can't go unnoticed that those whose paychecks are still rolling in have small town bars & restaurants operating at 1/2 capacity along with other restrictions. I think it's easier to make those decisions when it's not their families they're feeding with those businesses.

Last Edited: 2/9/2021 12:22:26 PM by ohiocatfan1

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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
General User

Member Since: 7/30/2010
Post Count: 3,853

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA scraps all D3 championship tournaments for 2021
   Posted: 2/9/2021 12:40:43 PM 
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:
Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame wrote:
ohiocatfan1 wrote:

Yes we are in agreement. The National Institute of Health and CDC exist for this very situation and failed miserably.

As did the leaders of the federal government who are in a position to give the CDC and NIH the resources they need to succeed, and failed to do so.

Many, many people abdicated their responsibilities, and the impact -- both in terms of lives lost, and the economic impact -- was far, far worse than it should have been.

Again on that we agree. Even worse, in terms of the economic impact, those making the decisions have not suffered in the least. Mandates and orders don't impact their financial lives at all. Their taxpayer financed paychecks have continued unabated.

That elected officials are still getting paid isn't "even worse." There's far worse things in this situation than elected officials getting their paychecks.

As you can see I said in terms of the economic impact. It can't go unnoticed that those whose paychecks are still rolling in have small town bars & restaurants operating at 1/2 capacity along with other restrictions. I think it's easier to make those decisions when it's not their families they're feeding with those businesses.

Yes, I read what you said. It still doesn't strike me as "even worse." The worst thing is that many, many people lost jobs and entire industries remain seriously damaged. That politicians are still getting paychecks ranks nowhere near the top of injustices here.

And I get you think restaurants could be at full capacity. We disagree on that.

To me, one of the many failures is that government's inability to protect the income of those employed by industry's harmed. It's not a solely binary choice of "open up public spaces 100%" or not. There's a huge middle ground. The government has the resources and capability to protect those business and their employees.
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