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Topic:  Chittfest

Topic:  Chittfest
spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 9:05:00 AM 
Our neighbors to the north had themselves a party on Saturday:

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/off-campus-party-le... /

Imagine 7 cars getting flipped in Athens...
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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 9:22:21 AM 
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
Our neighbors to the north had themselves a party on Saturday:

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/off-campus-party-le... /

Imagine 7 cars getting flipped in Athens...

Meant to post this in the general OU thread...oops
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 10:41:08 AM 
They must've been singing that old hymn: "There's no avoiding this conclusion. Our town is turning into chitt."

If this had happened at Ohio, the reaction would be, "There goes Ohio again." But because it's O$U, they'll shrug it off as a just a few miscreants. Even though it happens whenever they beat Mich, or Penn St, or Mich St, or the B10 title....

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Buckeye to Bobcat
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 11:25:51 AM 
The 2012 version was pretty nuts. Tear gassed enough to make WW1 France smell fresh
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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 12:08:20 PM 
Buckeye to Bobcat wrote:
The 2012 version was pretty nuts. Tear gassed enough to make WW1 France smell fresh

No tear gas, no pepper balls, not even a single arrest lol

But for Palmer Fest they ship in SWAT from all over the state and post riflemen on armored vehicles and shut it down by 4pm...
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/19/2021 12:49:41 PM 
(Shows up dressed like Caractacus Potts)

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Pete Chouteau
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/20/2021 5:33:55 PM 
Satellite trucks will be racking up Rt 33 miles for the next 6 weeks waiting for something to happen.

Cowtown TV stations have little fear of an Athens football program pulling press credentials.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/20/2021 5:57:01 PM 
Columbus Media: "OSU students are rioting again; time to run some negative stories about Ohio."
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/20/2021 8:15:36 PM 
CPD officers sure have changed since the 1970's ...no arrests yet.

Back in the day, I got stopped for jaywalking on High Street not far from the Chitt-Riot. They ran my drivers license and when it came up clean, gave me a warning about how there was a crosswalk 30 feet from me I could have used. People said I was lucky, that they used to actually arrest people back then in Columbus for jaywalking and I was twice as lucky because I had long rock musician type hair down to my shirt pockets which CPD cops were known to not like.

Last Edited: 4/20/2021 8:16:52 PM by greencat

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/20/2021 10:15:18 PM 
greencat wrote:
CPD officers sure have changed since the 1970's ...no arrests yet.

Back in the day, I got stopped for jaywalking on High Street not far from the Chitt-Riot. They ran my drivers license and when it came up clean, gave me a warning about how there was a crosswalk 30 feet from me I could have used. People said I was lucky, that they used to actually arrest people back then in Columbus for jaywalking and I was twice as lucky because I had long rock musician type hair down to my shirt pockets which CPD cops were known to not like.

About 20 years ago I knew someone who was ticketed for jaywalking in downtown Columbus and the fine was doubled because it was in a construction zone.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/21/2021 6:35:12 AM 
No lie, my sister Kate is married to Jay Walker. He was confronted by a CPD officer in downtown Columbus for illegally crossing the streets. The officer thought my brother-in-law was being a smart*** when giving his name.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/21/2021 12:45:13 PM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
No lie, my sister Kate is married to Jay Walker. He was confronted by a CPD officer in downtown Columbus for illegally crossing the streets. The officer thought my brother-in-law was being a smart*** when giving his name.

Who can blame the officer. Is Jay his given name or a nickname?

The only BLSS Certified Hypocrite on BA

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/21/2021 12:57:06 PM 
Well, if C'bus didn't have enough issues recently... the Chitt-storm, the 73 year old Uber driver carjacked, the shooting at upscale Polaris, the murder at a vigil for somebody who was murdered... a 15 (16?) year old girl shot by police. Reports are conflicting but you do hear things about her waving a knife around, trying to cut up a couple of other kids near her foster home.

Did she really need to be capped FOUR times? What happened to tasers and pepper spray? Would one shot to the thigh have put her on the ground?

In any case, Columbus went from having issues to having issues with hair on them. It's starting to make Cleveland look safe by comparison. I guess. As long as you stay as far away from 65% of Cleveland after dark, I've heard. Not that cities here in the south are so wonderful either. You won't want to wander too far off Beale Street at night (Memphis) and the much over-hyped Nashville has some very crappy areas as does Birmingham, Louisville, Little Rock, etc.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/24/2021 10:39:28 AM 
What's amazing about Chittfest is it's been five days and not one single arrest. The cops have put out a call for video but apparently they haven't checked social media. The news media have had plenty of videos.

Suddenly Columbus is getting to be as bad as Chicago. A 17-year-old girl was shot in the foot last night after getting into an argument with somebody. They both had guns. The one who was shot (it's hard to call her a "victim") apparently pulled hers first.

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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/26/2021 9:20:39 AM 
Pataskala wrote:
What's amazing about Chittfest is it's been five days and not one single arrest. The cops have put out a call for video but apparently they haven't checked social media. The news media have had plenty of videos.

Suddenly Columbus is getting to be as bad as Chicago. A 17-year-old girl was shot in the foot last night after getting into an argument with somebody. They both had guns. The one who was shot (it's hard to call her a "victim") apparently pulled hers first.

Can't make the crown jewel of cbus look bad! They got football games to win.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/26/2021 6:52:37 PM 
The info that came out today is really disturbing.

It took police more than two and a half hours to move in on the riot. They claim this is part of their new policy in response to criticism over how they handled the protests from last summer. (Did this really sound like a protest?) They moved in only after they heard a report of an assault and when cops were pelted with bottles. By then most of the rioters had left.

About an hour after the riot started a cop responding to a 911 call is heard saying on a recording of a radio call "There's not much we can do here." Columbus tax money at work.

After searching through videos they released pictures of 17 or 18 people of interest. They're asking the public's help in identifying them. (Can't they just run facial recognition software through the O$U student ID database or the state driver's license database?) They need to round them up this week because finals are this week and by next week the vast majority of the suspects will have scattered to the four winds, just like the January 6 insurrectionists did.

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/27/2021 4:39:46 PM 
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
No tear gas, no pepper balls, not even a single arrest lol

But for Palmer Fest they ship in SWAT from all over the state and post riflemen on armored vehicles and shut it down by 4pm...

Palmer Fest? What about the BLM protests in Columbus last year? Comparing how the CPD handled Chittfest v. the handling of BLM protests leads to the question - "why such an uneven application of law enforcement?" - posed in the following column:

https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2021... /

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 8:38:14 AM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
No tear gas, no pepper balls, not even a single arrest lol

But for Palmer Fest they ship in SWAT from all over the state and post riflemen on armored vehicles and shut it down by 4pm...

Palmer Fest? What about the BLM protests in Columbus last year? Comparing how the CPD handled Chittfest v. the handling of BLM protests leads to the question - "why such an uneven application of law enforcement?" - posed in the following column:

https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2021... /

Agreed, and they are more than quick to shoot minorities holding cell phones.

Last Edited: 4/28/2021 8:38:48 AM by BillyTheCat

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 11:22:58 AM 
A white 17-yr. old male, rifle in hand, strolls past authorities untouched amid cries that he just gunned down three protesters in Kenosha, WI; a mob of mostly white adult males attack our country's seat of democracy, many with weapons, and faced practically zero resistance; white males protest outside state government buildings with semi-automatic weapons and go home safely to their homes later that day; etc. . .


A black male reaching for his wallet in a NYC vestibule is gunned down by 41 shots; a black male selling bottles of water in NYC is choked to death; a black male in SC is shot in the back while running away from a cop; a black male alleged to have passed a phony 20-dollar bill has a knee on his neck for over 8 minutes; the 2 black males fatally shot by Columbus police in late 2020, one returning home with subs for his family and the other hanging out in a friend's garage; etc . . .

Last Edited: 4/28/2021 11:23:47 AM by bobcatsquared

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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 12:07:59 PM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
A white 17-yr. old male, rifle in hand, strolls past authorities untouched amid cries that he just gunned down three protesters in Kenosha, WI; a mob of mostly white adult males attack our country's seat of democracy, many with weapons, and faced practically zero resistance; white males protest outside state government buildings with semi-automatic weapons and go home safely to their homes later that day; etc. . .


A black male reaching for his wallet in a NYC vestibule is gunned down by 41 shots; a black male selling bottles of water in NYC is choked to death; a black male in SC is shot in the back while running away from a cop; a black male alleged to have passed a phony 20-dollar bill has a knee on his neck for over 8 minutes; the 2 black males fatally shot by Columbus police in late 2020, one returning home with subs for his family and the other hanging out in a friend's garage; etc . . .

Yeah, you left out the 17 year old received personal "thank you's" and bottles of water from the officers after the shooting.
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Bobcat Love's Sense of Shame
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 12:23:44 PM 
Just throwing this out there, but maybe given that police funding in the US outpaces military funding in all but three countries, and that police forces have become increasingly militarized, we should require more training and stricter qualifications for police officers than a six month training?
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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 2:30:13 PM 
bobcatsquared wrote:
spongeBOB CATpants wrote:
No tear gas, no pepper balls, not even a single arrest lol

But for Palmer Fest they ship in SWAT from all over the state and post riflemen on armored vehicles and shut it down by 4pm...

Palmer Fest? What about the BLM protests in Columbus last year? Comparing how the CPD handled Chittfest v. the handling of BLM protests leads to the question - "why such an uneven application of law enforcement?" - posed in the following column:

https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2021... /

Oh I'm with ya! Didn't want to make it political but wanted to point out the effort law enforcement agencies put forth to control fest season in Athens vs the complete lack of care in this incident.

CPD is an embarrassment to the state of Ohio. That's saying something considering the Orange Man won the state in November.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 3:09:51 PM 
Honestly, as someone who lived for several years in Columbus post-Athens early to mid 90s, the whole thing surprises me. Back in the day, Columbus cops foamed at the mouth for any excuse to start cracking craniums on campus. They've never been ones to look the other way if there was a chance to ruin some OSU kid's life.
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 4:21:50 PM 
They blamed their lack of response on new policies since the protests last summer, when they managed to rough up a member of Congress. I think it's their way of making the point that here is what'll happen if the public doesn't let them do their jobs the way they want to. A sick-out doesn't drive home their point nearly as well as letting a neighborhood or two get trashed.

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spongeBOB CATpants
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  Message Not Read  RE: Chittfest
   Posted: 4/28/2021 4:35:18 PM 
Pataskala wrote:
They blamed their lack of response on new policies since the protests last summer, when they managed to rough up a member of Congress. I think it's their way of making the point that here is what'll happen if the public doesn't let them do their jobs the way they want to. A sick-out doesn't drive home their point nearly as well as letting a neighborhood or two get trashed.

100% agree

Its also pretty funny that we haven't heard a word from The Jim Jordan. He seems to be a big law and order guy and is directly tied to the school...

Last Edited: 4/28/2021 4:38:20 PM by spongeBOB CATpants

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