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Ohio Basketball Recruiting
Topic:  NCAA Basketball Recruiting Calendar

Topic:  NCAA Basketball Recruiting Calendar
Ted Thompson

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  Message Not Read  NCAA Basketball Recruiting Calendar
   Posted: 9/1/2010 11:38:36 PM 

NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Recruiting Calendar
August 1, 2010 through July 31, 2011
(See NCAA Division I Bylaw 13.17.2 for men's basketball calendar formula)

The dates in this calendar reflect the application of Bylaw 13.17 at the time of publication of this manual but are subject to change per Constitution or if certain dates change (e.g., National Letter of Intent signing dates) are altered.

Note: All live evaluations during the academic year shall be limited to regularly scheduled high school, preparatory school and two-year college contests/tournaments, practices and regular scholastic activities involving student-athletes enrolled only at that institution:

Quiet Period
August 1 through September 8, 2010:
Contact Period
September 9 through October 5, 2010:
Evaluation Period
October 6, 2010 through March 30, 2011, [except for (1), (2) and (3) below]:
Dead Period
November 8-11, 2010:
Dead Period
December 24-26, 2010:
Contact Period
March 16-22, 2011:
Dead Period
March 31 through April 7, 2011, (noon):
Contact Period
April 7 (noon) - 20, 2011, [except for (1) below]:
Dead Period
April 11-14, 2011:
Quiet Period
April 21 through July 5, 2011, [except for (1)below]:
Dead Period
May 19-27, 2011, [except for (i) below]:
Evaluation Period
To be determined (NBA pre-draft camp only):
Evaluation Period
July 6-15, 2011:
Dead Period
July 16-21, 2011, [except for (1) below]:
It is permissible for an institution to have contact with a prospect who is enrolled in the institution's summer term (i.e., summer session or summer bridge program) and has signed a National Letter of Intent or other written commitment to attend the institution. (Adopted: 4/25/02)
Evaluation Period
July 22-31, 2011:


Glossary of terms

Contact occurs any time a coach has any face-to-face contact with a prospective student-athlete or the prospect’s parents off the college’s campus and says more than hello. A contact also occurs if a coach has any contact with the prospective student-athlete or his or her parents at the prospective student-athlete’s high school or any location where the prospect is engaging in competition or practice.

Contact period is the time when a college coach may have in-person contact with a prospective student-athlete and the prospect’s parents on or off the college’s campus. The coach may also watch the prospective student-athlete play or visit his or her high school. The prospect and the parents may visit a college campus, and the coach may write and telephone during this period.

Dead period is a time when the college coach may not have any in-person contact with the prospective student-athlete or the prospect’s parents at any time. The coach may write and telephone during this time.

Evaluation is an activity by a coach to evaluate a prospective student-athlete’s academic or athletics ability. This would include visiting the prospective student-athlete’s high school or watching the prospect practice or compete.

Evaluation period is the time a college coach may watch a prospective student-athlete play or visit the high school but cannot have any in-person conversations with the possible recruit or the parents off the college’s campus. The prospective student-athlete and the parents can visit a college campus during this period and a coach may call or write during this period.

National Letter of Intent is the document a prospective student-athlete signs when he or she agrees to attend the designated college or university for one academic year. According to the terms of the National Letter of Intent program, participating institutions agree to provide athletics financial aid for one academic year to the student-athlete, provided he or she is admitted to the institution and is eligible for financial aid under NCAA rules. An important provision of the National Letter of Intent program is a recruiting prohibition applied after a prospective student-athlete signs a National Letter of Intent. This prohibition requires participating institutions to cease recruitment of a prospective student-athlete once a National Letter of Intent is signed with another institution.

Official visit is a prospective student-athlete’s visit to a college campus paid for by the college. The college can pay for transportation to and from the college, room and meals (three per day) while visiting and reasonable entertainment expenses, including three complimentary admissions to a home athletics contest. NCAA recruiting bylaws limit the number of official visits a recruit may take to five.

Prospective student-athlete is the title given when a student enters ninth grade. It also applies when, before a student’s ninth-grade year, a college gives the student, the student’s relatives or their friends any financial aid or other benefits that the college does not generally provide to prospective students.

Quiet period is a time when the college may not have any in-person talk with the prospective student-athlete or the parents off the college’s campus. The coach may not watch the prospect play or practice.The prospective student-athlete can visit college campuses during this time and a coach may write or telephone.

Unofficial visit is any visit by a prospective student-athlete and their parents to a college campus paid for by the prospective student athlete or the prospect’s parents. The only expense the prospective student-athlete can receive from the college is three complimentary admissions to a home athletics contest. The prospect may make as many visits as he or she likes and may take the visits at any time. The only time the prospective student-athlete cannot talk with a coach during an unofficial visit is during a dead period.

Verbal commitment is the phrase used to describe a college-bound student-athlete’s commitment to a school before he or she is able to sign a National Letter of Intent. A college-bound student athlete can announce a verbal commitment at any time. While verbal commitments have become popular, they are NOT binding on either the college-bound student-athlete or the school.

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  Message Not Read  RE: NCAA Basketball Recruiting Calendar
   Posted: 11/3/2010 2:35:19 PM 
With early recruiting signup week starting next Wednesday (Nov. 10), will the Bobcats sign more than the two kids listed so far for 2011-12? 
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